Treatment and Relief
Causes Signs and Symptoms
Why Venixxa for Hemorhoids?
Whether you’ve been suffering from hemorrhoid flare-ups for a long time and are looking to treat them once and for all, or are just looking for rapid relief from your symptoms, Venixxa is a convenient oral alternative proven to be effective in not only treating symptoms conveniently, but also in working to reduce the recurrence of future hemorrhoid flare-ups.
A natural health product containing micronized purified flavonoid fraction (MPFF), Venixxa is the number one doctor-recommended oral over-the-counter treatment for hemorrhoid flare-ups. Patients see results quickly, with a reduction of overall symptoms in as little as 2 days.
Treating the cause with a venoactive product
We all want quick relief for painful symptoms, right? But isn’t it even better if that quick relief works towards long-term results?
Hemorrhoid flare-ups happen when pressure against the vein-filled cushions of tissue in the anal canal causes them to stretch out and become inflamed. Stretched-out and inflamed veins work less efficiently. That’s why, in addition to lifestyle changes to prevent progression of vein issues, taking an oral venoactive product to strengthen venous tone overall is proven to be an effective non-surgical method of managing hemorrhoid disease long-term.
Venixxa is a venoactive product, and when when you follow its treatment plan, you’re not only treating your symptoms, but also helping to reduce the duration, intensity and recurrence of acute flare-ups.
The most convenient form of treatment
Available over the counter, Venixxa is a treatment for hemorrhoids in a convenient pill format. It has different dosing options for fast-acting treatment of acute flare-ups or ongoing maintenance for recurring hemorrhoid disease. Venixxa works quickly, delivering a noticeable reduction of symptoms in as little as two days, but also effectively reduces the likelihood of your next flare-up.
Venixxa offers symptom relief while addressing the underlying cause through a strategic treatment plan backed by extensive clinical research. It’s your first step in proactively managing your hemorrhoid flare-ups, rather than reacting to them.
Rapid relief
If you’re in serious pain caused by hemorrhoid flare-ups and looking for rapid relief, Venixxa will get you there. It’s active medical ingredient, called micronized purified flavonoid fraction (MPFF), is created through a unique patented process and has shown an absorption rate by the body that is two times better than other formulas.
In as little as two days, after taking three pills twice a day, 42 % of patients experience a mild reduction of symptoms associated with hemorrhoid flare-ups. In three days, 80 % of patients reported bleeding had stopped.
After just one week of use, most patients reported their symptoms had dissipated:
- 94 % of patients reported their bleeding had stopped.
- 84 % of patients no longer felt pain.
- 81 % of patients reported discharge stopped.
Real long-term results
If your hemorrhoid issue is of the chronic variety, Venixxa’s long-term treatment can be used over-the-counter for two months. With the dosage of just one pill twice a day, patients reported the following results after two months:
- 31 % of patients reported less severe symptoms overall
- 43 % of patients reported experiencing symptoms for shorter periods of time
- 71 % of patients reported fewer overall instances of hemorrhoid flare-ups.
If you’re curious about using venoactive products to treat or manage acute or chronic hemorrhoid flare-ups, Venixxa can be found in most pharmacies and online.